Plastic Mouldings


For over 40 years, we have used injection moulding techniques to produce a range of plastic products that meet our clients’ specifications and product design requirements.

Thanks to our expert staff and modern technology park with high-quality equipment, FORMSON guides customers from start to finish. We have worked with clients across a range of industries, including: home appliances, construction, cosmetics, advertising, automotive, filtration, electronics and interior design companies.

FORMSON’s knowledge, practical experience and product offering is extremely broad. Our supportive and friendly team is able to assist customers throughout the production journey – regardless of order complexity

Our Mission

Through continual development and investments in our team’s skills, and the technologies used in the production process, we confidently claim to tackle a variety of challenging and unique projects whilst ensuring the highest level of quality and product safety.

FORMSON is dedicated to continued success, constantly strengthening existing partnerships and searching for new relations with like-minded companies that share our passion for improvement and progress.
The key ingredients our company exerts are openness, honesty and communication – if you share these values, we want to hear from you.

FORMSON works hard to understand client needs and will guide you through the design and development process, helping to ensure you achieve your product goals.

FORMSON uses premium-quality materials and is continually updating and improving production line equipment to make sure our clients can maintain competitive advantages across the marketplace. Moreover, through established supply chains and partner networks, FORMSON is able to keep production prices competitive. Our ethos is driven by relationships and a positive work environment. We are true to best practices and hold a culture of care and responsibility to our clients, associates and employees.

The values we hold with the utmost regard, which will help you reach your business goals, include: openness, commitment, accountability, and honesty – all of which are maintained through regular communication.

Our goals

Family Values

We have succeeded in nurturing the family feel of our company. We believe this distinguishes us from competitors and results in high staff retention. Every day we pay attention to protecting our supportive and positive staff morale. It brings immense pride that the team has grown and we are confident that FORMSON will continue to flourish as a result of our employees feeling committed to the company’s success.

Caring About The Environment

Considering natural resources are limited, we manufacture with modern and energy-efficient machinery. Our facility is powered by a 50 kW photovoltaic installation and thanks to intelligent resource management, we have minimised our impact on the environment. FORMSON appreciates the importance of sustainable production and works to maximise the use of recycled materials during each phase of production. This includes the use of recycled plastics for new products and making additional items from any waste produced during the production cycle. FORMSON relies on balanced growth, taking concern for our surroundings and ecosystems.


Long-lasting relationships with clients and partners

FORMSON builds on the foundations of mutual respect and transparent communication.

First of all, our clients come first. This has been the one constant rule upheld since the humble beginnings of our company back in the 80s. The team works to simplify procedures and remove barriers. Through constant monitoring of clients’ needs and regular communication, we ensure all clients are highly satisfied with the results.

Competence Development

We encourage the constant development of skills and expertise of our dedicated team. This is achieved through participation in training; including technical, interpersonal and sales skills.     

As the FORMSON team grew into a new generation of experts, we instilled a belief and devoted commitment to our clients. We introduced motivational training programmes that encourage staff to tackle challenges and actively participate in new projects. To continue this healthy work culture, we reward self-reliance, workmanship and creativity. 


Our Headquarters

We are proud to produce in Poland.

Our headquarters is located in Murowana Goślina in a well-connected area near Poznań. The location allows us to carry out orders without worrying about distance. With a central European location and good access to key transport links, we are ideally located to support most clients.

Our modern production plant has an area of 2,200 m2 and houses a production department with full technological facilities, a special packaging room, a high-bay warehouse and a comfortable office area.

Przełącz się



Jeśli jesteś dostawcą lub odbiorcą wyrobów z tworzyw sztucznych i poszukujesz rzetelnego, doświadczonego producenta, napisz do nas śmiało!

Przygotujemy dla Ciebie ofertę produkcji usługowej na powierzonych formach, a w razie potrzeby zapewnimy magazynowanie i serwis Twoich narzędzi.


Jeśli planujesz dystrybucję artykułów z tworzyw sztucznych według Twojego innowacyjnego konceptu –
bez obaw pisz do nas!

Pomożemy Ci na każdym etapie przedsięwzięcia – od projektu, poprzez wycenę i wykonanie narzędzia, aż po uruchomienie produkcji w naszej wtryskowni.

Poznaj naszą ofertę

W Twojej głowie pomysły formują się nieustannie? Towarzyszą im: forma, wizja i koncepcja? Brak im elementu łączącego, który włączy realizację? Zatem czas zdefiniować jego formę w rzeczywistości!

Wybierz czego potrzebujesz:


Masz pomysł, wizję, koncept? Potrzebujesz wsparcia w realizacji projektu? Świetnie, że tutaj trafiłeś!

Pomagamy w realizacji!


W kompletacji i pakowaniu osiągnęliśmy najwyższy poziom szybkości i sprawności w działaniu.

Niemożliwe jest możliwe!


Od pomysłu do gotowego produktu. Projektujemy: produkty, opakowania i wszystko czego potrzebujesz.

Kreujemy trendy.


700 miejsc paletowych w systemie wysokiego składowania.

Pełna obsługa magazynowa.

Our story

1982 – Business Founded



FORMSON’s humble beginnings started in the 1980s when Wiesława and Andrzej Majchrzak started producing kitchenware and various small plastic items in the village of Owińska. Wiesława and Andrzej were client-oriented from the start. Their openness and hard work allowed the company to develop and overcome the challenges associated with starting and growing a new business, especially in thermoplastics and injection moulding – something that was relatively new and unknown. During this time, the foundations of FORMSON were established and have been improved and enhanced ever since. What is ‘Injection Moulding’? Injection moulding is a process whereby heated plastic particles are injected into a form (a ‘mould’) that reflects a specific, individual shape desired by the client.
1982 – Business Founded

2000 - Investments in Technology



Gradually, alongside technological development in the industry and growing demand in the market, we started to automate processes and modernise our working environment. We expanded our knowledge, gained experience and gathered a team of accomplished and decidedly capable experts. Thanks to that, we raised the attention of numerous Polish and international contractors.
2000 - Investments in Technology

2004 – Dynamic Development



As market expectations grew, and with an increased demand for plastic products; a new brand was created in 2004. This was founded by Bartosz Majchrzak, and was called ‘MS Tworzywa dla domu’, which in English translates to ‘MS Plastic products for your home’. This was a time when plastic products – particularly kitchenware and home furnishings – became popular and innovative designs and products were seen popping up across numerous markets.
2004 – Dynamic Development

2020 – New Production Facility

New Opening


A Springboard for Continued Success In 2020 FORMSON moved to a new, purpose-built plant in the City of Murowana Goślina. There, our production facility consists of injection moulding equipment with modern, incidental devices such as: manipulators, dryers, feeders, mixers, conveyor belts and temperature control units. Currently, FORMSON processes a wide range of plastic materials such as: PP, PA, SAN, POM, ABS, PS, PC, PBT, and PVC.
2020 – New Production Facility

2021 – New Challenges

New Horizons


FORMSON assumed control of the ‘MS’ company in 2021 and happily executed tasks to achieve its business goals and legal obligations whilst simultaneously meeting our clients’ expectations and needs.
FORMSON was created as a separate legal entity to reflect the expansion of the companies and ensure lasting stability. However, the roots and founding values of the two businesses remain. Although we have changed on paper, the service and support to clients remains.

2021 – New Challenges


Future Opportunities


What can we create together?
Contact us to share your ideas!


FORMSON by Numbers


doświadczonych pracowników


lat doświadczenia 2 pokolenia


własnych form


własnych produktów




metrów powierzchni zakładu


miejsc paletowych

Why Choose FORMSON?


Nurturing Polish traditions and European quality
A small company that values its Polish roots
More than 40 years of experience
manufacturing plastic


A love for solving clients’ challenges
Driven to satisfying clients’ needs and business goals
Dedicated to listening to our clients and nurturing relationships


A flexible, multi-skilled team that can handle complex needs
Creative and open to collaborations
Focus on sustainable development and innovation


Not afraid of distance with Poland’s central European location
We value equality in business and transparent cooperation
A modern technology park
Production only using high-quality materials
Providing support and coaching for future experts
Provide a full range of peripheral services
Caring nature for our employees, and the environment

Let's Talk

We’ll be happy to learn about your ideas and projects – we will advise and guide you through implementation.

doświadczonych pracowników


lat doświadczenia 2 pokolenia


metrów powierzchni zakładu

doświadczonych i z zaufanych pracowników
lat doświadczenia, dwa pokolenia
godzinna praca zakładu
zadowolonych klientów
własnych produktów
własnych form
wtryskarek o sile zwarcia od 60 do 320 ton z całym osprzętem

metrów2 powierzchni naszego zakładu

miejsc paletowych
kW własnej instalacji fotowoltaicznej

miejsc paletowych

Dlaczego my?